In most cases, your website will be the first point of contact and the first impression for your business to potential customers. Your website is a visual representation of your company’s image and core values. It provides information on how your company can provide value to your clients. Also, the look of your website is often a determining factor of whether a potential customer will trust your business.
But you can’t add much value or help your customers if they get to your site and don’t stick around. And there are a few reasons why they may not stay. These reasons should indicate to you that it’s time to give your website a makeover. So let’s talk about these reasons.
Your website design is outdated.
Sure, your business processes can be on autopilot but your website should be updated periodically for looks, user experience and functionality. Some websites are launched and forgotten about. That’s a huge mistake as just the look of your outdated website could repel potential clients or customers. If your design looks like something out of the dark ages – or it uses some outdated functionality (like frames) then it’s definitely time to update your design. Also, if you have some interactivity or animation using Flash you should consider updating as well so that all features of your website works for all mobile users. Updating the look of your website can enhance the trust of your site visitors.
Your website loads very slowly.
If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load you should consider a redesign. You can test the speed of your website pages by using tools like Google’s PageSpeed Insights or WebPagetest. There are a few things you can do to speed up your site load time. Things like optimizing your images (creating the smallest image file sizes with the best possible quality), minimizing 301 Redirects – and if you’re using a content management system like WordPress, using a caching plugin like WP Super Cache so that your latest version of your pages are saved to your browser or system hardware enabling faster page serving speeds.
You’ve updated your brand.
If you’ve recently updated your brand you can carry over those updates to your website. If you’ve made small changes like updating your logo by changing a graphic or font, you definitely want to make sure your website reflects those changes. Maybe you have new business cards or initiated a new ad campaign. Make sure your site is updated so clients can be made aware of these new developments.
Your website is not mobile responsive.
With the recent updates to Google’s search ranking criteria, this is a big one! If your website is not mobile responsive, it’s past time for a redesign. Google considers the mobile readiness of your site as part of your search engine ranking placement. Not only that, 94% of searches for local businesses are done on a smartphone. So if your website is not responsive, you could be missing out on potential new customers or revenue because your site is too difficult to use on a mobile device. Having a responsive version of your site ensures that customer or potential customer have the best viewing and shopping experience on your website.
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