
/Dannielle Ramsey

About Dannielle Ramsey

I am a freelance web designer who specializes in WordPress web design, digital marketing and graphic design. My online design company Rohget Graphics Studio works with entrepreneurs, small to medium sized business owners and creative artists to build an compelling online presence. Connect with me through my website rohgetgraphicssstudio.com, on Twitter: @RohgetGraphics or Facebook: facebook.com/RohgetGraphics.

4 Clues It’s Time to Redesign Your Website

By | 2018-05-08T03:36:00+00:00 August 22nd, 2016|Web Design|

In most cases, your website will be the first point of contact and the first impression for your business to potential customers. Your website is a visual representation of your company's image and core values. It provides information on how your company can provide value to your clients. Also, the look of your website is [...]

5 Effective Website Tactics You Might Be Missing

By | 2018-05-08T03:36:00+00:00 July 18th, 2016|Web Design|

Building a website is a lot of work. You have to start with defining the goals for your website - and the layout and design that will help accomplish those goals. Now the site is built and you've figured out ways to get people to your site. The next step is now to get visitors [...]

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I’m Being Followed So Much I’m Causing Traffic Jams

By | 2018-05-08T03:36:00+00:00 June 22nd, 2016|SEO, Web Design|

So you've spent countless hours designing your website and getting it "perfect". Now what? Now comes the challenging task to get people to your website. That's the goal, right? You need to get visitors to your site to read your content, sign up for your newsletter and/or make a purchase. Well, let's check out six [...]

How To Do SEO On The Cheap

By | 2018-05-08T03:36:01+00:00 June 8th, 2016|SEO, Web Design|

I came across this article by Cosette Jarrett on Tech.co and thought it gave some helpful tips to the DIY blog marketers out there. These are simple strategies that can be done on the cheap. Also, along with these strategies you should also check with your website designer or a freelance marketer who could provide services [...]

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Why You’re Not Focused on Your Website: 5 Ways to Focus for Results

By | 2018-05-08T03:36:01+00:00 May 31st, 2016|Web Design|

OK...So, the title of this blog post is a double entendre. I've found that many entrepreneurs and business owners have websites that are growing cobwebs because they haven't been updated in ages or are unfocused in the purpose and goals for the site. When you go to a website and have no idea what that [...]

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3 Things To Do To Get Your New Website Project Off To A Smoking Start

By | 2018-05-08T03:36:01+00:00 April 14th, 2016|Web Design|

Having a website for your business is an essential tool for reaching your target market in today’s business landscape. For many, not having a website means your business does not exist – or is not serious. Although, some business have successfully launched without a website, having one makes it that much easier for your clients [...]

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